PUBLICATIONS (2012 - today)
[Publications on Kudos - ]
[** For the copyright issues of the publications, please refer to the end of the current webpage **]
FANARIOTIS, A., FOTOPOULOS, V., KARKAZIS, P., ORPHANOUDAKIS, T., SKODRAS, A.: 'Training Makers to Build the Internet of Things on an Arduino (Using a Remote Lab Facility and an MOOC)' in 'The Internet of Things for Education - A New Actor on the Stage', Linda Daniela, Editor, Springer, pp 77-96, ISBN 978-3-030-85719-6, ISBN 978-3-030-85720-2 (eBook), 2021
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A..: ‘Hand Gesture Recognition Based on EMG Data: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach’, in 'Physiological Computing Systems', Andreas Holzinger, Alan Pope, Hugo Plácido da Silva (Eds.), LNCS 10057, Springer, pp. 180-197, ISBN 978-3-030-27949-3, Sep. 2019
- TSINGANOS, P., SKODRAS, A., CORNELIS, B. and JANSEN, B.: ‘Deep Learning in Gesture Recognition Based on sEMG Signals’, in 'Learning Approaches in Signal Processing', Francis Ring, Wan-Chi Siu (Ed), Lap-Pui Chau (Ed), Liang Wang (Ed), Tieniu Tang (Ed), 1st Ed., Pan Stanford Series on Digital Signal Processing, ISBN: 9789814800501, Nov. 2018
- BOZKIR, E., RIEDMILLER, C., SKODRAS, A., KASNECI, G. and KASNECI, E.: ‘Can You Tell Real from Fake Face Images? Perception of Computer-Generated Faces by Humans’, ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 2024.
- LYKOURINAS, A., ROTTENBERG, X., CATTHOOR, F. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Inter-Session Re-Calibration of Ultrasound-Based HMIs’, (Special Issue Sensor Technologies for Gesture Recognition Applications in Shared Spaces), Sensors 2024, 24(15), 5043.
- ILIOPOULOU, S., TSINGANOS, P., AMPELIOTIS, D. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Synthetic Face Discrimination via Learned Image Compression’, Algorithms 2024, 17(9), 375. (DOI: 10.3390/a17090375)
- PANAGIOTOPOULOS, N., LAMPROPOULOU, S., AVOURIS, N. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Design of Exergaming Platform for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Using Surface Electromyography’, Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 6987.
- TSINGANOS, P., JANSEN, B., CORNELIS, J. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Real-Time Analysis of Hand Gesture Recognition with Temporal Convolutional Networks’, Sensors, 2022, 22(5), 1694,
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘The Effect of Space-filling Curves on the Efficiency of Hand Gesture Recognition Based on sEMG Signals’, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems, 12 (1), pp. 23 - 31, 2021, ISSN: 1847-6996
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Data Augmentation of Surface Electromyography for Hand Gesture Recognition’, Sensors 2020, 20(17), 4892. (DOI: 10.3390/s2017489)
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: ‘Hilbert sEMG Data Scanning for Hand Gesture Recognition based on Deep Learning’, Neural Computing and Applications (Springer), 2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s00521-020-05128-7)
- PYRGAS, L., KITSOS, P., and SKODRAS, A.: 'Compact FPGA Architectures for the Two-Band Fast Discrete Hartley Transform', Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, Vol. 61, pp. 117-125, Sep. 2018.
- TSINGANOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.: "On the Comparison of Wearable Sensor Data Fusion to a Single Sensor Machine Learning Technique in Fall Detection", Sensors 2018, 18(2), 592; doi: 10.3390/s18020592.
- SKODRAS, A.N., ABURDENE, M.F. and NANDI, A.K.: ‘Two-band Fast Hartley Transform’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 51, Issue 1, pp. 57–59, 8 Jan. 2015.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., FOTOPOULOS, V., XENOS, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Hybrid Watermarking Based on Chaos and Histogram Modification", Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 843-857, July 2014.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: 'A Discrete Gould Transform Data Hiding Scheme', Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Special Issue: Topics in Applied Mathematics (John Wiley & Sons), 37(2), pp. 283-288, 30 Jan. 2014.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: 'Data Hiding Based on Image Texture Classification', Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer-Verlag), Volume 7, Issue 2, pp 247-253, March 2013.
- KITSOS, P., SKLAVOS, N., PROVELENGIOS, G. and SKODRAS, A.N.: 'FPGA-based Analysis of Stream Ciphers ZUC, Snow3g, Grain v1, Mickey v2, Trivium and E0', Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICRO), vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 235–245, March 2013.
- KITSOS, P., SKLAVOS, N., PAROUSI, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: 'A Comparative Study of Hardware Architectures for Lightweight Block Ciphers', Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 148-160, 2012.
- DELIGIANNIS, N., BARBARIEN, J., JACOBS, M., MUNTEANU, A., SKODRAS, A.N. and SCHELKENS, P.: 'Side-Information Dependent Correlation Channel Estimation in Hash-Based Distributed Video Coding', IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1934-1949, April 2012.
- LYKOURINAS, A. and SKODRAS, A.: "Video Surveillance Authentication: Real-Time ENF Signal Hiding at the Edge", 2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2023), Rhodes (Rodos), Greece, 11-13 June 2023.
- ILIOPOULOU, A., TSINGANOS, P., AMPELIOTIS, D., and SKODRAS, A.: "Learned Image Compression with Wavelet Preprocessing for Low Bit Rates", 2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2023), Rhodes (Rodos), Greece, 11-13 June 2023.
- FOTOPOULOS, N., RIEDMILLER, C., BOZKIR, E., TSINGANOS, P., AMPELIOTIS, D., KASNECI, G., KASNECI, E. and SKODRAS, A.: "Could Human Gaze Augment Detectors of Synthetic Images?", 2023 24th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2023), Rhodes (Rodos), Greece, 11-13 June 2023.
- HOSSAIN, F., DAGIUKLAS, T. and SKODRAS, A.: "A New Forgery Image Dataset and its Subjective Evaluation", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET), Loughborough University, London, UK, 19-21 May 2023.
- LOI, I., GRAMMATIKAKI, A., TSINGANOS, P., BOZKIR, E., AMPELIOTIS, D., MOUSTAKAS, K., KASNECI, E. and SKODRAS, A.: "Proportional Myoelectric Control in a Virtual Reality Environment", 2022 IEEE 14th Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP 2022), Nafplio, Greece, 26-29 June 2022.
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, J., CORNELIS, B., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: “Transfer Learning in sEMG-based Gesture Recognition”, 12th Int. Conf. on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2021), Chania, Crete, Greece, 12-14 July 2021.
- ANNOUSAKIS-GIANNAKOPOULOS, K., AMPELIOTIS, D. and SKODRAS, A.: “Could DCT Reveal Photorealistic Images?”, 10th Int. Conf. on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2019), Patras, Greece, 15-17 July 2019.
- TSAGKAS, N., TSINGANOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.: “On the Use of Deeper CNNs in Hand Gesture Recognition Based on sEMG Signals”, 10th Int. Conf. on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2019), Patras, Greece, 15-17 July 2019.
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: “A Hilbert Curve Based Representation of sEMG Signals for Gesture Recognition”, 26th Int. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2019), Osijek, Croatia, June 5-7, 2019. [Best Student Paper Award]
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: “Improved Gesture Recognition Based on sEMG Signals and TCN”, 2019 44th Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2019), Brighton, UK, 12-17 May 2019.
- TSINGANOS, P., CORNELIS, B., CORNELIS, J., JANSEN, B. and SKODRAS, A.: “Deep Learning in EMG-based Gesture Recognition”, 2018 5th Int. Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS 2018), Seville, Spain, 19-21 Sept. 2018. [poster]
- ALEXIOU, E., BERNARDO, M. V., DA SILVA CRUZ, L.A., GOTAL DMITROVIC ́, L., DUARTE, C., DUMIC ́, E., EBRAHIMI, T., MATKOVIC ́, D., PEREIRA, M., PINHEIRO, A. and SKODRAS, A.: “Point cloud subjective evaluation methodology based on 2D rendering”, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy, 29 May-1 June 2018. [Complete set of results are available here].
- VASILOPOULOS, C. and SKODRAS, A.: “A Novel Finger Vein Recognition System based on Enhanced Maximum Curvature Points”, Proc. 2018 13th IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Workshop, Zagori, Greece, 10-12 June 2018.
- LÉVÊQUE, L., LIU, H., BARAKOVIĆ, S., BARAKOVIĆ HUSIĆ, J., KUMCU, A., PLATISA, P., MARTINI, M., RODRIGUES, R., PINHEIRO, A., OUTTAS, M., ZHANG, L. and SKODRAS, A.: “On the Subjective Assessment of the Perceived Quality of Medical Images and Videos”, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy, 29 May-1 June 2018.
- TSINGANOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "A Smartphone-based Fall Detection System for the Elderly”, Proc. 10th Int. Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2017), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18-20 Sept. 2017.
- TAGKALAKIS, F., VLACHAKIS, D., MEGALOOIKONOMOU, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "A Novel Approach to Finger Vein Authentication", IEEE Int. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017), Melbourne, Australia, 18-21 April, 2017.
- PYRGAS, L., KITSOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "An FPGA Design for the Two-Band Fast Discrete Hartley Transform", Proc. 16th IEEE Int. Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2016), Limassol, Cyprus, 12-14 Dec. 2016.
- ALEXIOU, E., VIOLA, I., KRASULA, L., RICHTER, T., BRUYLANTS, T., PINHEIRO, A., FLIEGEL, K., REBAREK, M., SKODRAS, A.N., SCHELKENS, P. and EBRAHIMI, T.: "Overview and Benchmarking Summary for the ICIP 2016 Compression Challenge ", 23rd IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2016), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 25-28 Sep.2016.
- TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS, A., KRILIS, I., FOLIADIS, A. and SKODRAS, A.N: "A Hilbert-Based Approach to the ENF Extraction Problem", Proc. IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2016 (ICTF 2016), Patras, Greece, 6-8 July 2016.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., FANARIOTIS, A., ORPHANOUDAKIS, T. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Remote FPGA Laboratory Course Development based on an Open Multimodal Laboratory Facility", Proc. 19th Panhellenic Conf. on Informatics (PCI), Athens, Greece, 1-3 October 2015.
- MYSIRLIDIS, C., DAGIUKLAS, T., KOTARANIN, D. GRUICIC, S., DUMIC, E., ROCHA, P. M. R., DA SILVA CRUZ, L. A., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘STESCAL3D: Subjective Evaluation of HD Stereo Video Streaming Using H.264 SVC in Diverse Laboratory Environments’, Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2015 Seventh International Workshop on, Pylos, Messinia, Greece, 26-29 May 2015.
- KORSHUNOV, P., NEMOTO, H., SKODRAS, A.N., and EBRAHIMI, T.: "Crowdsourcing-based Evaluation of Privacy in HDR Images", SPIE Photonics Europe: Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications, Brussels, Belgium, 16-17 April 2014.
- KITSOS, P., VOROS, N.S., DAGIUKLAS, A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "A High Speed FPGA Implementation of the 2D DCT for Ultra High Definition Video Coding", 2013 18th Int Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2013.
- MYLONA, E.A., SAVELONAS, M.A., MAROULIS, D. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Autopilot Spatially-Adaptive Active Contour Parameterization for Medical Image Segmentation", 26th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2013), Porto, Portugal, 20-22 June 2013.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Discrete Gould Transform - Fast Realisations and Data Hiding", 2013 Constantinides International Workshop on Signal Processing (CIWSP), London, UK, 25 Jan. 2013.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Pascal Transform Based Self-Authentication of Color Images", 19th Int. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2012), Vienna, Austria, pp. 178-181, 11-13 April 2012.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "A Discrete Gould Transform Data Hiding Scheme", Int. Conf. on Modern Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology (M3ST 2012), Kalamata, Greece, 26-28 Aug 2012.
- KOUMOUSIS, K., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "A New Approach to Gradual Video Transition Detection", 2012 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), Piraeus, Greece, pp. 245-249, 5-7 Oct. 2012.
PUBLICATIONS (1983 - 2011)
Many of the publications can be downloaded via the DSMC's publications link.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘Efficient Down-Scaling of DCT Compressed Images’, US2001/0006561A1, Jul. 5, 2001.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘Efficient Down-Scaling of DCT Compressed Images’, US 6,868,188 B2, Mar. 15, 2005.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Down - Scaling of Images", US 7,388,913 B1, Jun. 17, 2008. (CA2283779A1, CN1255988A, EP0966713A2, WO1998041929A3).
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Design II", Hellenic Open University, 2008 (in Greek)
- SKODRAS, A.N. FOTOPOULOS, V. and ILIAS, A.: "Digital Systems: Laboratory Exercises on Digital Design, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors", Hellenic Open University, 2006 (in Greek)
- SKODRAS, A.N. and ANASTASSOPOULOS, V.: "Digital Signal and Image Processing", Hellenic Open University, 2003 (in Greek)
- ANASTASSOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Introduction to Informatics", Hellenika Grammata Publishers, 2001 (in Greek)
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Electronics - Integrated Circuits TTL - MOS", University of Patras, Lecture Notes, 1997 (in Greek)
- ZIGOURIS, E. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Electronics – Laboratory Exercises", University of Patras, Lecture Notes, 1997 (in Greek)
- DELIYANNIS, T. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Exercises on Analogue and Digital Electronics Circuits", M. Hatzioannou Publications, Patras, Greece, 1993 (in Greek)
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "New Techniques for Fast Digital Filter Implementation Using Microprocessors", PhD Dissertation (in Greek), University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 1986.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘On the Use of Look Up Tables in the Microprocessor Implementation of Digital Filters’, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 675 679, 1983.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and DELIYANNIS, T.: ‘Bandwidth Improvement in IIR Digital Filters’, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 56, pp. 669 675, 1984.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and ZIGOURIS, E.: ‘Automatic Unit Delay Execution Circuit for Digital Signal Processing Systems Based on General Purpose Microprocessors’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 24, No.8, pp. 481 482, 1988.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G.: ‘Efficient Input-Reordering Algorithms for Fast DCT’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 27, No. 21, pp. 1973-1975, 10 Oct 1991.
- BSKODRAS, A.N. and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G.: ‘Efficient Computation of the Split Radix FFT’, IEE Proceedings-F, Vol. 129, No. 1, pp. 56-60, Feb. 1992.
- KOLITSI, Z., PANAGIOTAKIS, G., ANASTASSOPOULOS, V., SKODRAS, A.N. and PALLIKARAKIS, N.: ‘A Multiple Projection Method for Digital Tomosynthesis’, Med. Phys. 19 (4), pp. 1045-1050, Jul/Aug 1992.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘Split-Radix Fast Cosine Transform Algorithm’, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 74, No 4, pp. 513-522, 1993.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Adaptive DCT Coding of Images’, Int. J. Electronics, Vol. 75, No. 4, pp. 627-639, 1993.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Pruning’, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 1833 - 1837, July 1994.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., BORMANS, J., CORNELIS, J. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘The Vector-Radix Fast Cosine Transform: Pruning and Complexity Analysis’, Signal Processing, 43, pp. 197-205, 1995.
- WALMSLEY, N.P., SKODRAS, A.N. and CURTIS, K.M.: ‘A Fast Picture Compression Technique’, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 11-19, Feb. 1994.
- BCHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., PHILIPS, W. SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Segmented Image Coding: Techniques and Experimental Results’, Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 63-80, Nov. 1997.
- RUIZ, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Approximated Densities for Block-Based Motion Estimation’, Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 16, pp 1364-1365, 31st July 1997.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘New Schemes for Progressive Transmission of Digital Images’, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 43, No 4, pp. 1028-1033, Nov. 1997.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Direct Transform to Transform Computation’, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 6, No 8, pp. 202-204, Aug. 1999.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N., and EBRAHIMI, T.: ‘The JPEG2000 Still Image Coding System: An Overview’, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 1103-1127, Nov. 2000.
- SKODRAS, A.N., CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., and EBRAHIMI, T.: ‘JPEG2000: The Upcoming Still Image Compression Standard’, (invited paper), Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 22, pp. 1337-1345, Oct. 2001.
- SKODRAS, A.N., CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., and EBRAHIMI, T.: ‘The JPEG2000 Still Image Compression Standard’, (invited paper), IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, pp. 36-58, Sep. 2001.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Improved Watermark Detection Based on Similarity Diagrams’, Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 17, pp. 337-345, 2002.
- BGEORGAKILAS, A.A., CHRISTOPOULOU, E.B., SKODRAS, A.N. and KOUTCHMY, S.: ‘Chromospheric Evershed Flow’, Astronomy and Astrophysics, A&A 403, 1123–1133, 2003.
- CHRISTOPOULOU, E.B., SKODRAS, A.N., GEORGAKILAS, A.A. and KOUTCHMY, S.: ‘ Wavelet Analysis Of Umbral Oscillations’, The Astrophysical Journal, 591:416–431, 1 July 2003.
- B22. FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Digital Image Watermarking: An Overview’, EURASIP Newsletter, ISSN 1687-1421, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 10-19, Dec. 2003.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Fast Discrete Pascal Transform’, IEE Electronics Letters, 9th Nov. 2006, Vol. 42, No. 23, pp. 1367-1368, 2006.
- BGILANI, S.A.M., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Adaptive Image Watermarking using Multiple Transforms’, International Review on Computers and Software (ISSN 1828-6003), Nov. 2007.
- GILANI, S.A.M., KOSTOPOULOS, I., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Multipurpose Color Image Watermarking’, Int. Journal of Computers and Their Applications (ISSN 1076-5204), Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 2-10, March 2008.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Real Time Data Hiding by Exploiting the IPCM Macroblocks in H.264/AVC Streams’, J Real-Time Image Proc, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 33-41, March 2009.
- VLACHOS, A., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Low Bit Depth Representation Motion Estimation Algorithms: A Comparative Study’, Springer Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 141-148, Sep. 2010.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., STAVRINOU, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Authentication and Self-Correction in Sequential MRI Slices’, Journal of Digital Imaging (Springer), 14 Oct 2010.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Bit Rate Transcoding of H.264 Encoded Movies by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain’, IEEE Trans on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 1593-1601, Aug. 2010.
- KOSTARAS, N., XENOS, M., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Evaluating Usability in a Distance Digital Systems Laboratory Class’, IEEE Trans on Education, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 308-313, May 2011.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Difference Expansion Transform in Triplets for Reversible Data Hiding’, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 88, Issue 10, pp. 2016-2025, 2011.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "The JPEG2000 Image Compression Standard In Mobile Health", MHealth Emerging Mobile Health Systems Series: International Topics in Biomedical Engineering, Istepanian, R., Laxminarayan, S., and Pattichis, C. (Eds.) 2006, ISBN: 0-387-26558-9.
- COLYER, G.J., BUCKLEY, R.R. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Culture Imaging", The JPEG 2000 Suite, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, P. Schelkens, A.N. Skodras, T. Ebrahimi (Eds.), 2009.
- EBRAHIMI, T., SKODRAS, A.N. and SCHELKENS, P.: "Ongoing Standardization Efforts", The JPEG 2000 Suite, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, P. Schelkens, A.N. Skodras, T. Ebrahimi (Eds.), 2009.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and DELIYANNIS, T.: ‘Digital Filters Implemented Using μP MC6802 With Improved Bandwidths’, Proc. of MECO'83 IASTED International Symposium, Vol. 2, pp. 600 602, Athens, Greece, Sept. 1983.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and DELIYANNIS, T.: ‘Multiple Microprocessor Implementation of IIR Digital Filters’, Proc. of International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, pp.238 241, Florence, Italy, Sept. 1984.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and DELIYANNIS, T.: ‘Three Methods for 16 bit Microprocessor Implementation of Digital Filters’, Proc. of DIGITECH IMACS European Meeting, pp.93 98, Patras, Greece, July 1985.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Real Time Multi Microprocessor Digital Filtering’, Proc. of MIC'88, IASTED International Conference, pp.297 300, Grindenwald, Switzerland, Feb. 1988.
- SKODRAS, A.N.:’A Comparison of two FFT Implementations on a General Purpose Digital Signal Processor’, Proc. of MIMI'89 ISMM International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers and Their Applications, Zurich, Switzerland, June 1989.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Fast Computation of the Real Valued Split Radix FFT’, Proc. of the International Conference on Signal Processing 1990, Beijing, China, Oct. 1990.
- STOURAITIS, T. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Parallel Implementations of Inner Product Step Processors’, Proc. of PC'91 ISMM International Workshop on Parallel Computing, Trani, Italy, pp.32-35, Sept. 1991.
- SKODRAS, A.N.:’A Fast Input-Reordering Algorithm for the Discrete Cosine Transform’, Proc. Int. Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP-92), San Francisco, pp. V53-V56, March 23-26 1992.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G.: ’A Fast Recursive Input-Reordering Algorithm’, Proc. Int. Conf. on DSP & CAES'93, Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 380-383, July 14-16, 1993.
- SKODRAS, A.N., CURTIS, K.M., STOURAITIS, T. and WALMSLEY, N.: ’A Fast Cosine Pruning Algorithm’, Proc. Int. Conf. on DSP & CAES'93, Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 396-401, July 14-16, 1993.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., PHILIPS,W., SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Discrete Cosine Transform Coding of Images’, Proc. Int. Conf. on DSP & CAES'93, Nicosia, Cyprus, pp. 164-169, July 14-16, 1993.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘On the Computation of the Fast Cosine Transform’, Proc. of ECCTD'93, Davos, Switzerland, Aug. 30 - Sep. 3, 1993.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Pruning the Two-Dimensional Fast Cosine Transform’, Proc. of EUSIPCO '94, Edinburgh, UK, 13-16 Sept. 1994.
- CHRISTOPOULOS,C.A., BORMANS,J., SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘On the Efficient Computation of the Two-Dimensional Fast Cosine Transform’, Proc. SPIE Hybrid Image and Signal Processing IV, SPIE Vol. 2238, pp.229-237, Orlando, Florida, 5-8 April 1994. (D.P. Casasent and A.G. Tescher, Editors).
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Comparative Performance Evaluation of Algorithms for Fast Computation of the Two-Dimensional DCT’, IEEE Benelux & ProRISC Workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Papendal, The Netherlands, 23-24 March 1994.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Modelling the 2-D FCT on a Multiprocessor System’, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures, Leuven, Belgium, 29-31 Aug. 1994.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Parallel Implementation of Segmented Image Coding’, Proc. IEE Fifth Int. Conf. on Image Processing and its Applications, Edinburgh, pp.554-558, UK, 3-6 July 1995.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N., PHILIPS, W., CORNELIS, J. and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G.: ‘Progressive Very Low Bit Rate Image Coding’, Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, pp. 433-438, Limassol, Cyprus, 26-28 June 1995.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Parallel Image Compression Algorithms’, Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, pp. 227-232, Limassol, Cyprus, 26-28 June 1995.
- NEIL, G., CURTIS, K.M. and SKODRAS, A.N. ‘Spatially Invariant Object Recognition Using Fractal Transformations’, Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, pp. 590-595, Limassol, Cyprus, 26-28 June 1995.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G.: ‘Radix-3 Fast Discrete Cosine Transform Algorithm’, Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, pp. 819-824, Limassol, Cyprus, 26-28 June 1995.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, V.A., CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., CORNELIS, J. and SKODRAS, A.N..: ‘A New Contour Simplification Filter for Region-Based Coding’, Proc. of the VII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-96, Trieste, Italy, 10-13 Sept. 1996.
- KALLES, D. and SKODRAS, A.N. ‘Motion Estimation and DCT Pruning: A Combined Approach to Video Coding’, Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS ’96), pp. 736-739, Rodos, Greece, 13-16 October 1996.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., SKODRAS, A.N., PHILIPS, W. and CORNELIS, J.: ‘Switched Segmented Image Coding- JPEG Schemes for Progressive Image Transmission’, Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop in Signal and Image Processing, IWSIP-96, Manchester, UK, 4-7 Nov. 1996.
- RUIZ, V., FOTOPOULOS, V., SKODRAS, A.N., and CONSTANTINIDES, A.G: ‘An 8x8 Block-Based Motion Estimation Using Kalman Filter’, ICIP-97, Santa Barbara, Oct. 26-29, 1997.
- RUIZ, V., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Motion Estimation Through Approximated Densities’, 13th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing, DSP97, Santorini, Greece, 2-4 July 1997.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘Down-Sampling of Compressed Images in the DCT Domain’, VIII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 8-11 Sep. 1998.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘sMAE: An Improved Block Matching Criterion’, Proc. of the 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS ’98), Lisbon, Portugal, 7-10 Sep. 1998.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘On the Down-Scaling of Compressed Pictures’, Proc. of the 1998 IEEE Int. Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS’98), Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 4-7, 1998.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘The JPEG 2000’ (Tutorial), IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP-99, Kobe, Japan, 25-28 Oct. 1999.
- SKODRAS, A.N., CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and EBRAHIMI, T.: ‘JPEG 2000: The Upcoming Still Image Compression Standard’ (invited paper), Proc. 11th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RECPAD 2000), Porto, Portugal, May 11-12, 2000.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., BERG, D. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘The Colour in the Upcoming MPEG-7 Standard’, Proc. X European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2000), Tampere, Finland, 5-8 Sept. 2000.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A Subband DCT Approach to Image Watermarking’, Proc. X European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2000), Tampere, Finland, 5-8 Sept. 2000.
- GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘DLT-Based Digital Image Watermarking’, Proc. First IEEE Balkan Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Circuits and Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-3, 2000.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Fingerprinting Method for Digital Images’, Proc. First IEEE Balkan Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Circuits and Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 1-3, 2000.
- CHRISTOPOULOU, E.B., SKODRAS, A.N., REED, T.R. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: ‘On the JPEG2000 Implementation on Different Computer Platforms’, Proc. SPIE, San Diego, CA, July 30 – Aug. 4, 2000.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A., EBRAHIMI, T. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘JPEG 2000: The New Still Picture Compression Standard’ Proc. ACM Multimedia 2000, Int. Workshop on Standards, Interoperability and Practices, pp. 45-49, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 2000.
- KOSTOPOULOS, I., SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTODOULAKIS, D.: ‘Digital Image Watermarking: On the Enhancement of Detector Capabilities’, Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Warwick, Dec 18-20, 2000.
- GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Watermarking By Multiresolution Hadamard Transform’, Proc. of the European Conf. on Electronic Imaging & Visual Arts (EVA2001), Florence, Italy, March 26-30, 2001.
- KOSTOPOULOS, I., SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTODOULAKIS, D.: ‘Self-Authentication of Colour Images’, Proc. of the European Conf. on Electronic Imaging & Visual Arts (EVA2001), Florence, Italy, March 26-30, 2001.
- GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Robust Image Watermarking By Subband DLT’, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Media Future, Florence, Italy, May 8-9, 2001.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., KROMMYDAS, S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Gabor Transform Domain Watermarking’, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP2001), Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 7-10, 2001.
- CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘JPEG2000 Verification Model: Current State of the Art Technology’, Tutorial at VIII European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO-98, Island of Rhodes, Greece, 8-11 Sep. 1998
- TSOLIS, D.K., KARATZAS, E.G., TSOLIS, G.K., FOTOPOULOS, V., PAPATHEODOROU, T.S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Platform For Watermarking And Management Of Digital Images Of The Hellenic Cultural Heritage’, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 1, pp. 479-482, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘JPEG2000 Parameters Against Watermarking’, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 2, pp. 713-716, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- GILANI, S.A.M., KOSTOPOULOS, I. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Color Image-Adaptive Watermarking’, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 2, pp. 721-724, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- KOSTOPOULOS, I., GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Colour Image Authentication Based on a Self-Embedding Technique’, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 2, pp. 733-736, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- CHRISTOPOULOU, E.B., SKODRAS, A.N. and GEORGAKILAS, A.A.: ‘The ‘À Trous’ Wavelet Transform Versus Classical Methods For The Improvement Of Solar Images ‘, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 2, pp. 885-888, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- CHRISTOPOULOU, E.B., SKODRAS, A.N. and GEORGAKILAS, A.A.: ‘Time Series Analysis of Sunspot Oscillations Using the Wavelet Transform’, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Vol. 2, pp. 893-896, Santorini, Greece, 1-3 July 2002.
- ANASTASSOPOULOS, G.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘JPEG2000 ROI Coding In Medical Imaging Applications’, Proc. 2nd IASTED Int. Conf. on Visualisation, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP2002), pp. 783-788, Malaga, Spain, 9-12 Sep. 2002.
- XENOS, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Evolving form a Traditional Distance Learning Model to e-Learning’, Proc. 2nd Int. LeGE Workshop, Paris, France, 3-4 March 2003.
- TSOLIS, D.K., FOTOPOULOS, V., TSOLIS, G.K., KARATZAS, E.G., NIKOLOPOULOS, S.N., PAPATHEODOROU, T.S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Copyright Protection of Digital Images of Cultural Heritage - Case Study: ‘Ulysses’, the Official Web Portal of the Hellenic Culture’, Proc. EVA-2003, Florence, Italy, 24-28 March 2003.
- TSOLIS, D.K., FOTOPOULOS, V., TSOLIS, G.K., KARATZAS, E.G., NIKOLOPOULOS, S.N., PAPATHEODOROU, T.S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A Digital Rights Management System and Copyright Protection for Digital Images of the Official Web Portal of the Hellenic Culture’, Proc. Int. Conf. on Cross-Media Service Delivery (CMSD-2003), Santorini, Greece, 30-31 May 2003.
- HATZIGIORGAKI, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Compressed Domain Image Retrieval: A Comparative Study of Similarity Metrics’, Proc. Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2003), Lugano, Switzerland, 8-11 July 2003.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Transform Domain Watermarking: Adaptive Selection of the Watermark’s Position and Length’, Proc. Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP2003), Lugano, Switzerland, 8-11 July 2003.
- TSOLIS, D.K., NIKOLOPOULOS, S.N., FOTOPOULOS, V., TSOLIS, G.K., KARATZAS, E.G., PAPATHEODOROU, T.S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A Robust Watermarking Method Supported by an Image Registration Mechanism for Securing Digital Image Libraries’, Proc. EVA-2004, Florence, Italy, 28 March – 2 April 2004.
- VASSILIADIS,B., FOTOPOULOS,V., XENOS,M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Could Grid Facilitate Demanding Watermarking Media Applications?’, Proc. 4th Int. LeGE Workshop, Stuttgart, Germany, 27-28 April 2004.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., VASSILIADIS, B., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Managing Intellectual Property Rights: from Products to Services’, Proc. IEEE ISSPIT2004, pp. 453-456, Rome, Italy, Dec. 2004.
- XENOS, M., VASSILIADIS, B., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘GRID Technologies => ‘Education’ = ‘Distance Education’’, Proc. 1st Int. ELeGI Conference on Advanced Technology for Enhanced Learning, Vico Equense – Napoli, Italy, 14–16 March 2005.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A Novel Approach On Transform Domain Watermarking Against Geometrical Deformations’, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS 2005), pp. 403-406, Athens, Greece, 2-4 Nov. 2005.
- VASSILIADIS, B., FOTOPOULOS, V., ILIAS, A., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Protecting Intellectual Property Rights and the JPEG2000 Coding Standard’, Proc. PCI 2005, LNCS 3746, pp. 705-715, 2005.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and EBRAHIMI, T.: ‘JPEG 2000 Image Coding System: Theory and Applications’, Proc. 2006 IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS2006), pp. 3866-3869, Kos, Greece, 21-24 May 2006.
- VASSILIADIS, B., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Decentralising the Digital Rights Management Value Chain by means of Distributed License Catalogues’, Proc. 3rd IFIP Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2006), Vol. 204, pp. 689-696, Athens, Greece, 7-9 June 2006.
- KITSOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘On the Hardware Implementation of the MUGI Pseudorandom Number Generator’, Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks And Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP’06), Patras, Greece, 19-21 July 2006.
- SKODRAS, A.N..: ‘Efficient Computation of the Discrete Pascal Transform’, Proc. 14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006), Florence, Italy, Sep. 2006.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., FOTOPOULOS, V., SKODRAS, A.N. and XENOS, M.: ‘Reversible Image Watermarking Based on Histogram Modification’, Proc. 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2007), Patras, Greece, 18-20 May 2007.
- VLACHOS, A., FOTOPOULOS, V., and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Video Coding and a Mobile Augmented Reality Approach’, Proc. 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2007), Patras, Greece, 18-20 May 2007.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Spatio-Temporal Predictor for Motion Estimation in H.264 Video Coding’, Proc. 8th Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2007), Santorini, Greece, 6-8 June 2007.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Image Watermarking for Quality Control Based on Modified Key-Dependent DCT Basis Functions’, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2007), pp.531-534, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 1-4 July 2007.
- KAPOTAS, S.K., VARSAKI, E.E. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Data Hiding in H.264 Encoded Video Sequences’, Proc. 2007 IEEE Int. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Chania, Greece, 1-3 Oct. 2007.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Fast Multiple Reference Frame Selection Method in H.264 Video Encoding’, Proc. 26th Picture Coding Symposium (PCS 2007), Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 Nov. 2007.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Spatio-Temporal Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm’, Proc. 5th Int. Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA 2007), Istanbul, Turkey, 27-29 Sep. 2007.
- SKODRAS, A.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Compression of Confocal Microscopy Images: A Comparative Study’, Proc. SPIE 2008, Optical and Digital Image Processing, Vol. 7000, Strasbourg, France, 7-10 Apr. 2008.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Data Hiding Scheme For Scene Change Detection in H.264 Encoded Video Sequences’, Proc. 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2008), Hannover, Germany, 23-26 June 2008.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Robust Watermarking of Digital Images Based on Chaotic Mapping and DCT’, Proc. 16th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008), Lausanne, Switzerland, 25-29 Aug. 2008.
- KITSOS, P. SELIMIS, G., KOUFOPAVLOU, O. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A Hardware Implementation of CURUPIRA Block Cipher for Wireless Sensors’, Proc. 11th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Parma, Italy, 3-5 Sep. 2008.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., FOTOPOULOS, V., XENOS, M., STORK, M., SKODRAS, A.N. and HRUSAK, J.: ‘Chaotic-Correlation Based Watermarking scheme for Still Images’, Proc. Int. Conf. on Applied Electronics 2008, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 10-11 Sep. 2008.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., STAVRINOU, M.L. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Medical Image Authentication and Self-Correction through an Adaptive Reversible Watermarking Technique’, Proc. 8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (IEEE BIBE 2008), Athens, Greece, 8-10 Oct. 2008.
- CHRYSOCHOS, E., VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Using Overlapping Difference Expansion’, Proc. 10th Int. Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2009), London, UK, 6-8 May 2009.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Self-Authentication of Natural Color Images in Pascal Transform Domain’, Proc. 16th Int. Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2009), Santorini, Greece, 5-7 July 2009.
- BOURBAKIS, N., RWABUTAZA, A., YANG, M., SKODRAS, A.N. and EWING, R.: ‘A Synthetic Stegano-Crypto Scheme For Securing Multimedia Medical Records’, Proc. 16th Int. Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2009), Santorini, Greece, 5-7 July 2009.
- CHATZIGIORGAKI, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Real-Time Keyframe Extraction Towards Video Content Identification’, Proc. 16th Int. Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2009), Santorini, Greece, 5-7 July 2009.
- CHATZIGIORGAKI, M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘On the Use of Color Appearance Modeling for Efficient Compressed-Domain Image Enhancement’, Proc. 2009 IEEE Int. Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2009), Cairo, Egypt, 7-11 Nov. 2009.
- VARSAKI, E.E., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘On the Use of the Discrete Pascal Transform in Hiding Data in Images’, Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, EPE114-Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies, Brussels, Belgium, 12-16 April 2010.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Rate Control of H.264 Encoded Sequences by Dropping Frames in the Compressed Domain’, Proc. 20th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010), pp. 2382-2385, Istanbul, Turkey, 23-26 Aug. 2010.
- KITSOS, P., SKLAVOS, N. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Low Power FPGA Implementations of 256-bit Luffa Hash Function’, Proc. 13th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2010), Lille, France, 1-3 Sep. 2010.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Moving Object Detection in the H.264 Compressed Domain’, Proc. 2010 IEEE Int. Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2010), Thessaloniki, 1-2 July 2010.
- KOUMOUSIS, K., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘A New Approach to Abrupt Shot Boundary Detection’, EUREKA! 2010: 1st Int. Conference for UG and PG Students in Computer Engineering, Informatics, Technologies and Applications Patras, Grecce, 14-15 Oct. 2010.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., SGOUROU, A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Authentication and Self-Correction in DNA Identification based on Agarose-Gel Images’, Proc. 2010 IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference, pp. 66-69, Paphos, Cyprus, 3-5 Nov. 2010.
- DELIGIANNIS, N., JACOBS, M., BARBARIEN, J., VERBIST, F., ŠKORUPA, J., VAN DE WALLE, R., SKODRAS, A., SCHELKENS, P. AND MUNTEANU, A.: ‘Joint DC Coefficient Band Decoding and Motion Estimation in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding’, Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2011), Corfu, Greece, 6-8 July 2011.
- KITSOS, P. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘An FPGA Implementation and Performance Evaluation of the Seed Block Cipher’, Proc. 17th Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2011), Corfu, Greece, 6-8 July 2011.
- KITSOS, P., SKLAVOS, N. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘An FPGA Implementation of the ZUC Stream Cipher’, Proc. 14th EUROMICRO Conf. on Digital System Design Architectures, Methods and Tools (DSD 2011), Oulu, Finland, Aug 31 - Sept 2, 2011.
- GEORGOULIS, M.K., KATSIYANNIS, A.C., CHONDROS, T.G., SKODRAS, A.N. AND GONTIKAKIS, C.: ‘Greek Participation to Solar Orbiter Development’, 2nd Int. Conf. on Space Technology (ICST 2011), Athens, Greece, 15-17 Sep 2011.
- VARSAKI, E.E., GIZANI, N.A.B., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘‘Alternative’ Astronomical FITS Imaging’, The 11th Asian-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting 2011 NARIT Conference Series, Vol. 1, 2011.
- VARSAKI, E.E., GIZANI, N.A.B., FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: ‘Hiding Information in Astronomical Images’, 10th Hel.A.S Conference, Ioannina, Greece, 5-8 September, 2011.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Use of Microcomputers in Real-Time Digital Signal Processing", Nat. Conf. on Informatics, Patras, Greece, Feb. 1984.
- ZIGOURIS, E. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Teaching Microprocessors to Undergraduate Students of a Physics Department", Proc. of Hellenic Conf. on Microcomputer Applications, pp. 665‑678, Patras, Greece, Oct. 1988.
- KIRIAKIS‑BITZAROS, E., SKODRAS, A.N. and ZIGOURIS, E.: "Implementation of FIR and IIR Digital Filters Using 16‑Bit uPs and DSPs: A Comparative Study", ibid., pp. 609‑616, Oct. 1988.
- ANASTASSOPOULOS, V., KOLITSI, Z., SKODRAS, A.N., PANAGIOTAKIS, G. and PALLIKARAKIS, N.: "Cross‑Sectional Image Reconstruction on a Microcomputer Based System for Clinical Applications", ibid., pp. 56‑62, Oct. 1988.
- MAVRIKI, A., JANSEN, B, FOTOPOULOS, V., CORNELIS, J., SKODRAS, A.N.: " On The Use Of The Kinect Sensor In Rehabilitation", ΕΛΕΒΙΤ - 5th Panhellenic Conference on Biomedical Technology, Athens, 4-6 April 2013.
- SKODRAS, A.N.:"16‑Bit Digital Filtering on an 8‑Bit Multi‑Microprocessor System", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.87.11.36, 1987.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Split‑Radix FFT Implementation Using DSP56001", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.89.03.79, 1989.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Computing Efficiently the Complex Split‑Radix FFT", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.90.04.07, 1990.
- SKODRAS, A.N., DIONYSSIOTES,T. and GERAGA,C.: "Real-Valued FFT and FHT Implementation on the DSP56001", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.91.06.18, 1991.
- KALLES, D. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Optimizing the Implementation of H.261", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.95.05.17, 1995.
- LIVANOS, N.A. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Efficient DCT Implementation on the 96002", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR.97.07.27, 1997.
- SKODRAS, A.N. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C.A.: "Down-Sampling of Compressed Images in the DCT Domain", ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1 N849, June 1998.
- GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Watermarking of Images in the DLT Domain", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2000-03-02, March 2000.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Fingerprints and Their Applications in Image Databases", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2000-04-05, April 2000.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Image Watermarking Using Subband DCT", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2000-06-04, June 2000.
- FOTOPOULOS, V., KAVATHAS, P. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Bit Signature Casting in the DCT Domain", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2000-10-01, Oct. 2000.
- KROMMYDAS, S. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Digital Watermarking of Medical Images Using the Gabor Transform", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2001-10-01, Oct. 2001.
- GILANI, S.A.M. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Multiple Channel Watermarking Of Color Images", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2002-02-03, Feb. 2002.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Geometric Deformations and Watermarking", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2002-09-02, Sep. 2002.
- FOTOPOULOS, V. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Adaptive Coefficient Selection for Transform Domain Watermarking", Computer Technology Institute, Technical Report TR2002-10-02, Oct. 2002.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Discrete Wavelet Transform: An Introduction", Hellenic Open University, Technical Report HOU-CS-TR-2003-02-EN, Oct. 2003.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "On the Computation of the Discrete Pascal Transform", Hellenic Open University, Technical Report HOU-CS-TR-2005-06-EN, Dec. 2005.
- KAPOTAS, S.K. and SKODRAS, A.N.: "Motion Estimation Improvement by means of Frame Projection Techniques", Hellenic Open University, Technical Report HOU-CS-TR-2007-10-EN, June 2007.
- LYKOURINAS, A. and SKODRAS, A.: "Real-time ENF monitoring with a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B", University of Patras, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical Report DSIP/TR002, 2023.
- LYKOURINAS, A. and SKODRAS, A.: "ENF4GR: Hosting ENF of Mainland Greece", University of Patras, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical Report DSIP/TR003, 2023.
- SKODRAS, A.N.: "Motorola's DSP56000/1 Software Environment: New User's Guide", Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, London, June 1989.
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