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PhD Opening @ WPI

November 22, 2023

The Efficient Learning and Planning for Intelligent Systems (ELPIS) Lab invites applications for two fully funded Ph.D. positions starting in Fall 2024.

Lab Focus: The ELPIS Lab has a broad interest in autonomous robotic system capable of reasoning about and interacting with the physical world. The primary goal is to develop agents that are efficient, robust, and capable of learning from real-world interactions. Current research projects focus on the integration of classical planning algorithms and state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, aiming to advance 1) planning efficiency, 2) planning robustness, and 3) planning from visual inputs. The lab concentrates on real-world applications in robotic manipulation, including tasks such as object manipulation, mobile manipulation, and multi-arm manipulation.

What we are looking for: Prospective applicants should have a background in CS, EE, ME, or a related field, and a passion for robotics! Preference will be given to those with relevant research experience, and a significant emphasis is placed on programming and/or hardware skills.

If you are interested: Interested students should submit their applications through the WPI application portal at the Robotics Engineering Department. Applicants are also encouraged to directly contact Dr. Chamzas at cchamzas at wpi dot edu. In the email, please attach your CV, transcript, and a short cover letter describing research interests, and any relevant experience.

Ph.D. in Robotics at WPI: WPI is located in Worcester, Massachusetts. WPI is one of the few places, worldwide, that has a dedicated Robotics Department and students can earn a doctorate in the field. There is a serious emphasis on robotics as well as on creativity and innovation. It also offers one of the most competitive stipends in the U.S. with at least 39.000$ per year.


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