
Undergraduate studies in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering last for a period of five years, which is divided into ten sixmonth academic semesters. The courses of the curriculum are divided into ten sections which correspond to the ten academic semesters. These include both compulsory and elective courses. Each course may include lectures, tutorials, and laboratory practice. The corresponding teaching hours per week are listed in the curriculum. Each student registers once at the beginning of each semester, successively from the 1st to the 10th semester. The registration consists of a statement by the student which includes the courses of the current and possibly the previous semesters in which he will enrol. The courses are taken in the order stated in the curriculum. Registering for courses of subsequent semesters is not permitted. Students who have failed to pass courses of previous semesters may register for a maximum of twenty classes per academic year by designating first the courses of previous years and then courses of the current academic year. The Credit Unit corresponds to one hour\'s lecture or tutorial per week for one semester, or one hour\'s laboratory practice per week for twelve weeks. The minimum number of Credit Units that a student must obtain in order to be awarded his degree is 258. The curriculum includes, from the 7th semester on, four fields of specialisation: Telecommunications and Information Technology, Electric Power Systems, Electronics and Computers and Systems and Control. By September 30, students of the 7th semester must have declared their field of specialisation and their elective courses. Students who have chosen a field of specialisation, and choose courses from another specialisation field which have laboratory practice, must attend and be examined in the labora-tory practice of these courses, as well.

Please see  more information in the Study Guide page.

Foreign Language Requirements

All students, in their first year of studies, are obliged to attend for three hours per week the classes \"Foreign Language I, II\". Similarly, in the second year, students are obliged to attend the classes \"Foreign Language and Terminology I, II\" for three hours per week. Students who have an \"adequate\" knowledge of the foreign language are waived the obligation to attend the class \"Foreign Language\" in the 1st year. This waiver is obtained upon successful completion of an examination on the material which would be taught, which is taken at the beginning of each academic year. The marks in the above courses are entered in the student\'s transcript without affecting the status of the student in that academic year, or his degree grade.

Grading System

The grading scale is from 0 to 10 where 5.0 is the minimum passing mark. There are four grades corre-spon-ding to the following marks:

5.0 to 6.5 Good
6.5 to 8.5 Very good
8.5 to 10.0 Excellent
below 5.0 Failure

The degree mark is the weighted mark average with the weig-hting factors as follows:
Courses of one or two credits have weighting factor 1.0.
Courses of 3 credits have weighting factor 1.5.
Courses with 4 or more credits have weighting factor 2.0.