Professor N. A. Vovos has been a member of the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Patras University since 1981 and he was Head of the department in the time period 2003-2007 and deputy Head in period 2001-2003. His main fields of interest are: analysis, control and protection of HVDC systems, flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) and Custom Power (CP) devices, dynamic simulation and interaction study of AC/DC systems including FACTS and CP devices, load flow and transient stability methods for AC/DC systems, improvement of the transient stability of AC/DC systems including FACTS and CP devices using power modularity techniques, dynamic simulation and study of thyristor drives and renewable energy sources for rural electricity, local fuel and water. In the previous fields he has been teaching and searching for more than 40 years and has been directed more than 20 research projects funded by industry and EU. He is the author of seven books, two exercises books and he has more than 100 publications. He is life senior member of IEEE, SC14 and SC C2 of CIGRE and is active in a number of working groups. With his proposal, the Interdepartmental Master's Program "Distributed Green Electric Power and the Advanced Network Infrastructure for its Management and Economy " was approved in 2014 by the General Assemblies of the Special Composition of the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology and Physics. The Ministry of Education approved the Master's Program on August 13, 2014. Upon the launch of the Master's degree program in 2015, he was elected Director of the program and served in this position until his retirement in 2018. He drafted the study regulations of the Interdepartmental Master's Program, organized, and operated the program by selecting modern courses and suitable teachers, organized the bureaucratic processes and operated the program website. He also wrote the Diploma Supplement in Greek and English. After the approval of the new law on postgraduate studies, he worked and organized the new Postgraduate Studies Regulation for its re-establishment. Today the Interdepartmental Master's Program operates under the name "Green Power Systems: Smart Technologies and Management Strategies".
2. N. Schinas, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Embedded wind turbine generation to weak distribution AC grid”, Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, MED POWER 2002, Athens, November 4-6, 2002, pn 134. 3.T.D. Vrionis, X. I. Koutiva, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Fuzzy Logic Control for a VSC-based HVDC Link connecting Wind Farms to Weak Systems”, Proc. of the IEEE ISAP Conference 2003, 31 August – 3 September, Lemnos, Geece, ISAP03/054. 4. N. Schinas, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Control of Variable Speed Wind Turbine for Integration to Weak AC grid”, Proc. of the IEEE ISAP Conference 2003, 31 August – 3 September, Lemnos, Greece, ISAP03/051. 5. X. I. Koutiva, T. D. Vrionis, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Neuro-fuzzy control of an HVDC link based on VSCs”, 10th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2-4 September 2003, Toulouse, France, pp. P.1-P.10, ISBN: 90-75815-07-7. 6. T. D. Vrionis, X. I. Koutiva, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Study of an HVDC Link Based on VSCs Using a Fuzzy Control System”, 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech Proceedings, June 23-26, Bologna, Italy, pn 462. 7. T. Vrionis, X. Koutiva, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Application of Computational Intelligence to the Control System of an HVDC Link Based on VSCs”, Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, MED POWER 2004, Lemessos Cyprus, MED04/CH24. 8. X. I. Koutiva, T. D. Vrionis, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Fault response of an HVDC link based on VSCs using adaptive fuzzy control systems”, Proc. of CIGRE Symposium on Power Systems with Dispersed Generation, 13-16 April 2005, Athens, Greece, session 1b, pn 118. 9. X. Koutiva, T. Vrionis, N. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Optimal Integration of an Offshore Wind Farm to a Weak ac Grid”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.987-994, April 2006. 10. Ν. Α. Schinas, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “An Autonomous System Supplied only by a Pitch-Controlled Variable-Speed Wind Turbine”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 325-331, June 2007 11. T. Vrionis, X. Koutiva, N. A. Vovos and G. B. Giannakopoulos, “Control of an HVDC link connecting a Wind Farm to the Grid for Fault Ride-Through Enhancement”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.2039-2047, November 2007. 12. Ν.Schinas and N. A. Vovos, “Digital Control of a Wind Turbine Supplying an Isolated Load in Cooperation with a Hydro Power Unit”, Wind Engineering Journal, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 587-601, 2008. 13. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “A Control Strategy for Integration of a PEMFCS to a Distribution Grid”, PowerTech, 2009 IEEE Bucharest, pp. 1-6. 14. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “Transient Response Improvement of Microgrids Exploiting the Inertia of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)”, International Journal Energies, Wind Energy Special Issue 2010, Vol. 3, Issue 6, pp. 1049-1066, 2010, (www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/3/6/1049/). 15. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “A Fuzzy-Logic Control Strategy for a Hybrid Fuel Cell-Battery System Offering Ancillary Services”, Power Electronics and Applications, EPE 2009, Barcelona, Sept. 2009, pp. 1-10. 16. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “A Fuzzy Control Scheme for Integration of DGs into a Microgrid”, Melecon 2010, 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 26-28 April, 2010, Valletta, Malta, pp. 872-877. 17. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “Integration of a Hybrid Fuel Cell-Battery System to a Distribution Grid”, Elsevier-Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 81, Issue 7, July 2011, pp. 1299-1307, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2011.01.017. 18. Christina N. Papadimitriou and Nicholas A. Vovos, “Fuzzy Control of WT with DFIG for Integration into Micro-grids”, Intech Open Access Publisher, Chapter in the Book entitled “Fundamental and advanced topics in Wind Power”, ISBN 978-953-307-508-2, 2011, Chapter 18, pp 399-422. 19. Konstantinos G. Georgakas, Panagis N. Vovos and Nicholas A. Vovos, “Harmonic reduction method for a single-phase dc-ac converter without output filter”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 9, pp. 4624-4632, September, 2014. 20. Theodoros Vrionis, Xanthi Koutiva, and Nicholas. A. Vovos, “A Genetic Algorithm-based Low Voltage Ride-Through Control Strategy for Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generators”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1325-1334, May 2014. 21. I. D. Bouloumpasis, P. N. Vovos, K. G. Georgakas and N. A. Vovos, “A Method for Power Conditioning with Harmonic Reduction in Microgrids”, International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’14), Cordoba (Spain), 8th to 10th April, 2014. Included in Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), No.12, paper 285, April 2014, ISSN: 2172-038 X. 22. Theodoros Vrionis, Xanthi Koutiva, and Nicholas. A. Vovos, “Closure to Discussion on “A Genetic Algorithm-Based Low Voltage Ride-Through Control Strategy for Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction Wind Generators”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol.. 30, No. 1, pp. 549, January 2015. 23. Ioannis Bouloumpasis, Panagis Vovos, Konstantinos Georgakas and Nicholas Vovos, “Current Harmonics Compensation in Microgrids Exploiting the Power Electronics Interfaces of RES”, International Journal Energies, “Microgrids” Special Issue 2015, Vol. 8, pp. 2295-2311, 2015, (doi:10.3390/en8042295, ISSN 1996-1073), www.mdpi.com/journal/energies. |
Site: | http://www.psl.ece.upatras.gr | |
e-mail: | N.A.Vovos@ece.upatras.gr | |
tel: | +30-2610-996403 | |
fax: | +30 2610-997350 | |