Groumpos Peter
Εmeriti ProfessorGroumpos Peter Division of Systems and Control
B. Sc.(State Univ. of New York at Buffalo)
M.Sc.(State Univ. of New York at Buffalo)
Ph.D.(State Univ. of New York at Buffalo)

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Professor Peter P. Groumpos is a full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering since 1989. He is also the Director of the Laboratory for Automation and Robotics, which he created and developed since 1992. He served as a chairman of the Department of ECE in the period 1993 – 2003 and Division Director of Systems and Controls. (2000-2004).

Professor P. P. Groumpos was born in 1950, in Xilokastro, Korinthias Greece, where he stayed till the end of his High School years and then he went to USA for his undergraduate and graduate studies. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree of Electrical Engineering in 1974 and a Master of Science Degree in 1976 from the state university of N.Y. at Buffalo (SUNYAB). He also received his PhD in 1978, from the same University with his Thesis title “A Structural Approach to Dynamical Hierarchical Systems”. While studying at the undergraduate and Master level he had to work at the same time to earn his living. He joined Cleveland State University in 1979 and stayed till 1989 on it, till be returned permantly to his homeland in 1990. He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, of the University of Patras. While in Cleveland State University he created and directed a new Energy Research Centre and a Communications Research Laboratory at Cleveland State University. While in CSU, he was awarded a 1-year Fulbright scholarship and visited the University of Patras in which he taught and perform research in the area of Systems and Control. While in Cleveland State University he lectured at Case Western Reserve University and served as an Assistant Director of the newly founded Cleveland Advanced Manufacturing Center (1985 – 1988). In this position he had the responsibility of generating new proposals in applied research on manufacturing and he had visited a good number of industries. He came to realize for first time the existing gap between theory and practice and at the same time he appreciated the power and possible long impact of Basic Research.

Professor Groumpos has taught for more than 30 years (10 years in USA and 22 in Greece). He has teaching experience in broad scientific areas such as: Systems Control, Signals and Systems, Automatic Control, Probability Theory, Communications, Information Technologies, Hierarchical Systems, Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Large Complex Systems, Photovoltaic Systems, Energy and Power Systems and Software Computing.

Prof. Peter P. Groumpos has a vast experience as a Principal investigator in a number of EU and Greek PRD projects. His main research interests are: Modelling and Controlling Complex Systems, Intelligent Control, Soft-computing techniques for Complex Systems, Robotics, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM), Innovation Management, Simulation and Application of Informatics in the areas: Health, Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Energy and Environment. He has participated in more over 75 educational and PRD project funded by public as well as private funds. He has participated in many PRD projects funded by the EC. He has been the Principal   investigator on more than 20 PRD projects. The total funding for the PRD projects that prof. Groumpos has participated either as a PI and/or as a partner has exceeded the amount of 10 million Euros. Prof. Groumpos also was the PI in more than 10 PRD projects in USA, when he was a Faculty member at the Cleveland State University USA with a total funding exceeding the amount of 1.5. Million dollars (period 1980-1989)

He has an h-index of 23 which is the highest in the Department of Electrical Engineer and Computer Science and one of the highest of the Engineering School of the University of Patras

Prof. Groumpos has also served and/or still serving on a number of distinguished positions. He has been the Greek representative to the EC committees ESPRIT 1990-94 IMS 1991-94, ICT 2004-9 and to EUREKA Program High Level Group 1990-94 and 2004-10. He was one of the founders of the Mediterranean Control Association 20 years ago and he is serving on it as a Vice-President till today.

He has also been a project evaluator in many EC programs. COPERNICUS, ICT and others.

He is married to Ms. Alexandra Lotsari and they have three children.

Some of Publications

  1. P. P. Groumpos,: Mathematical Modeling of Control using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Challenging Issues. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference and Applications, June 18-20, 2012 Crete, Greece, 197-204 (2012)
  2. I.E. Karagiannis., P. P. Groumpos. A Fuzzy Maximum Power Point Tracker for Photovoltaic Systems. . Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference and Applications, June 18-20, 2012 Crete, Greece, 211-218 (2012)
  3. Elpiniki Papageorgiou, Panagiota Spyridonos, Dimitris Glotsos, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, Panagiota Ravazoula, George Nikiforidis, Peter P. Groumpos: Brain tumor characterization using the soft computing technique of fuzzy cognitive maps. Appl. Soft Comput. 8(1): 820-828 (2008)
  4. Georgoulas G., Tsoulos I., Gavrilis D., Chrysostomos Stylios C., Joao Bernardes J. and Groumpos P., "Grammatical Evolution for FHR analysis, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control", Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 69-79, April 2007,
  5. G. Georgoulas, D. Gavrilis, I. Tsoulos, C. D. Stylios, J. Bernardes and P.P. Groumpos, "Novel Approach for fetal heart rate classification introducing grammatical evolution", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2007) Vol. 2, pp. 67-79
  6. G. Georgoulas, C. D. Stylios and P.P. Groumpos, "Predicting the risk of Metabolic Acidosis for Newborns based on Fetal Heart Rate Signal Classification using Support Vector Machines", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2006) Vol. 53, No 5, pp. 875-884
  7. E. Papageorgiou, P. Spyridonos, C. D. Stylios, R. Ravazoula, P.P. Groumpos and G. Nikiforidis, "Advanced Soft Computing Diagnosis Method for Tumour Grading", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (IF:1,122), Vol. 36, No 1, pp. 59-70 (2006)
  8. Spyridonos P, Papageorgiou Ei, Groumpos Pp, Et Al., "Integration Of Expert Knowledge And Image Analysis Techniques For Medical Diagnosis", Lecture Notes In Computer Science 4142: 110-121 2006
  9. Papageorgiou E, Stylios Cn, Groumpos P, "Introducing Interval Analysis In Fuzzy Cognitive Map Framework", Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3955: 571-575 2006
  10. Papageorgiou Ei, Stylios C, Groumpos Pp, "Unsupervised Learning Techniques For Fine-Tuning Fuzzy Cognitive Map Causal Links", International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies 64 (8): 727-743 Aug 2006
  11. E.I. Papageorgiou, & P.P. Groumpos, "A new hybrid learning algorithm for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps learning", Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier, Vol. 5, 2005, pp. 409-431
  12. Georgoulas G, Stylios C, Groumpos P, "Feature Extraction And Classification Of Fetal Heart Rate Using Wavelet Analysis And Support Vector Machines", International Journal On Artificial Intelligence Tools 15 (3): 411-432 Jun 2006 (pdf)
  13. Georgoulas G, Stylios Cd, Groumpos Pp, "Predicting The Risk Of Metabolic Acidosis For Newborns Based On Fetal Heart Rate Signal Classification Using Support Vector Machines", IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 53 (5): 875-884 May 2006
  14. P.P. Groumpos and C.D. Stylios, “Modeling Supervisory Control Systems usingCognitive Maps”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, (2000), Vol.11, No 1-3, p.p. 329-336
  15. P.P. Groumpos (invited, chapters) Mathematical Modelling of DSS using FCMs to be published by Springer (under preparation)
  16. P.P. Groumpos (invited contribution) Theories of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and their Applications to Business and optimization to be published on the Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and optimization during the year of 2013

(Under preparation)

  1. .C. N. Antonopoulos, V.G. Papadakis, C. D. Stylios, M.P. Efstathiou, P. P. Groumpos: "Mainstreaming innovation policy in less favoured regions: the case of Patras Science Park, Greece", journal of Science and Public Policy, Volume 36, Number 7, August 2009, pp 497-580
  2. .P.P. Groumpos, "Technology Transfer and Sustainable Development: A New Geometric Model" Romanian Journal of Innovation, Volume 5, pp 17-23 (December 2009)

Significant research achievements

Professional Achievements

  • Reviewer for the following journals: International Journal of Large Scale Systems, Computers in Industry, Solar Energy, Studies in Informatics and Control, Computers and Electrical Engineering, AUTOMATICA.
  • Chairman t of the Technical Committee Large Scale System of IFAC (1996-2001)
  • National representative of TEE in International Federation of Automatic Control, 1995 – today
  • Member of Editorial Boards in journals: IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 1981-1984, Int. J.of Computers and Electrical Engineering, 1993-98, Computers in Industry, 1999- today, Int. J. of Studies in Informatics and Control, 1997- today.
  • Coordinator of Networks of Excellence ESPRIT – ICIMS - NOE and AMETMAS – NOE with total funding of the two networks over 1.5 MEURO.
  • Academic Honorary Member in Russian Academic Council of Mechatronics and Robotics (2002).
  • Chairman of the Conferences Advanced Summer Institute (ASI) each year from 1992 – 2000.
  • Chairman of IEEE Conferences, ISIC 2000 and MED 1994 and 2000.
  • Member of Steering Committee and Vice Chairman of Board of the Mediterranean Control Association (MCA), 1992-2003
  • Member of IFAC Technical Committees, Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and Control, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Control Education and social impact of Automation.

Other Professional Activities

  • National Vice Chairman of the Management Team in ESPRIT EMC/ ITC, (1991 – 1994)
  • National Vice in EUREKA, (January 1991 – January 1995)
  • Evaluator of proposals for EC Programs ESPRIT, IST, TEMPUS, COPERNICUS, and INCO.
  • Evaluator of the programs of GGET (90 – today)
  • Alternate member of Board of the Institute INBIS, 1998 – today
  • Member and Alternate Chairman of the Committee of the society and Information at University of Patras, 2001 – 2003
  • Committee member of Interface and Innovations at University of Patras, (1997-2000)
  • Committee Member of INTERREG at University of Patras, (2000-2002)
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