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ECE_BΚ804 |
8th |
Electric Power Systems Protection |
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Add rows if necessary. The organisation of teaching and the teaching methods used are described in detail at (d). |
COURSE TYPE general background, |
There are no prerequisite courses. It is, however, recommended that students should have at least a basic knowledge on the analysis of electrical circuit. |
Greek. Instructions and examinations may be given in English in case foreign students attended the course. |
Learning outcomes |
The course learning outcomes, specific knowledge, skills and competences of an appropriate level, which the students will acquire with the successful completion of the course are described. Consult Appendix A · Description of the level of learning outcomes for each qualifications cycle, according to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area · Descriptors for Levels 6, 7 & 8 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and Appendix B · Guidelines for writing Learning Outcomes |
By the specific knowledge of this course, the student who will attend It, will be able to: 1. Understand and explain the basic operation principles of all the types of protection systems in Power Electric Systems (PES). 2. Study the operation, reregulate or design the setting of the protection systems. 3. Design the setting of electromechanical and static (analogue and digital) relays. 4. Design or reregulate the setting in the protection system of the lines (transmission and distribution) using overcurrent and distance relays, unit protection and fuses. 5. Design or reregulate the setting in the protection system of the bus zone. 6. Design or reregulate the setting in the protection system of the power transformers. 7. Design or reregulate the setting in the protection system of the AC machines (generators and motors). At the end of this course, the student who will attend It, will have further developed the following skills and competences: 1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, theories and strategies related to all the types of protection systems in PES. 2. Ability to exploit such knowledge and understanding to improve the effectiveness of the protection systems in the PES. 3. Ability to exploit such knowledge and understanding to design or reregulate the settings of electromechanical and static (analogue and digital) relays. 4. Ability to exploit such knowledge and understanding to the complex problems solution related to the protection of the PES, such as the lines (transmission and distribution) protection, the bus zone protection, the power transformers protection and the AC machines (generators and motors) protection. 5. Ability to adopt and apply the teaching methodologies to the solution of unfamiliar advanced problems. 6. Study skills needed for continuing professional development. 7. Ability to interact with others scientist on inter or multidisciplinary problems. 8. To elaborate reliable and safe for humans and environment studies for electrical installations.
General Competences |
Taking into consideration the general competences that the degree-holder must acquire (as these appear in the Diploma Supplement and appear below), at which of the following does the course aim? |
Search for, analysis and synthesis of data and information, with the use of the necessary technology Adapting to new situations Decision-making Working independently Team work Working in an international environment Working in an interdisciplinary environment Production of new research ideas |
Project planning and management Respect for difference and multiculturalism Respect for the natural environment Showing social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues Criticism and self-criticism Production of free, creative and inductive thinking …… Others… ……. |
Fundamental principles of Electric Power Systems protection. The evaluation of Protective Relaying. Fundamental operating principles and characteristics of Electromagnetic-Attraction and Induction type relays. The impedance and reactance type distance relays. Analog and digital static relays. Line protection with overcurrent relays and fuses. Line protection with distance relays. Unit protection in lines. Line protection with wire-pilot relaying. Line protection with carrier-current pilot relaying. Line protection with microwave-pilot relaying. Line protection with phase and directional comparison. Bus-zone protection. Power transformer protection with gas relays. Percentage differential relaying for power transformers. AC generator and motor protection. |
Face-to face. |
Lectures supported by the PowerPoint presentations. Tutorials for the solution of representative problems to clarify the special issues of the theory. All presentations are accessible by the students in the e-class platform together with solved problems. |
TEACHING METHODS The manner and methods of teaching are described in detail. Lectures, seminars, laboratory practice, fieldwork, study and analysis of bibliography, tutorials, placements, clinical practice, art workshop, interactive teaching, educational visits, project, essay writing, artistic creativity, etc.
The student's study hours for each learning activity are given as well as the hours of non-directed study according to the principles of the ECTS |
STUDENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Description of the evaluation procedure
Language of evaluation, methods of evaluation, summative or conclusive, multiple choice questionnaires, short-answer questions, open-ended questions, problem solving, written work, essay/report, oral examination, public presentation, laboratory work, clinical examination of patient, art interpretation, other
Specifically-defined evaluation criteria are given, and if and where they are accessible to students. |
Greek language is used in the examination procedure. Examinations may be given in English in case of foreign students attended the course. Student can choose between two different ways for his performance evaluation: 1. Written exams in the examination period which include theoretical questions or/and problems to be answered without further help. Marks are given to each and every question in order to achieve precise comparative evaluation be-tween students. 2. Student can take part in two progress exams during the course period, which are similar to the final exams. If his total mark is ≥5 then he can choose this mark to be his final evaluation mark. Otherwise, he can choose to take part in the final exams and then the mark in these ex-ams is his final examination mark. Greek grading scale: 1 to 10. Minimum passing grade: 5. Grades ≤ 3 correspond to ECTS grade F. Grade 4 corresponds to ECTS grade FX. For the passing grades, the following correspondence holds: 5 (or 5.5)↔E, 6 (or 6.5)↔D, 7 (or 7.5)↔C, 8 (or 8.5)↔B, And ≥ 9-10 ↔ A |
1. N. A. Vovos, “Electric Power Systems Protection”, Ziti Book Company, Thessaloniki, 2009, book in Greek language, code ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ 11446. 2. A. R. Van C. Warrington, "Protective Relays. Their theory and practice", Vol. 1, Chapman and Hall, 1971. 3. A. R. Van C. Warrington, "Protective Relays. Their theory and practice", Vol. 2, Chapman and Hall, 1974. Dhar R. N., “Computer-Aided Power Systems Operation and Analysis”, Ta-ta McGraw-Hill, 1982. 4. C. Mason, "The art and science of protective relaying", Wiley, 1956. 5. T. S. Madhava Rao, "Power System protection-Static Relays with microprocessor applica-tions", TATA McGraw-Hill, 2n edition, 1989. 6. A. Wright and C. Christopoulos, "Electrical Power System Protection", Chapman and Hall, 1993. 7. Y. G. Paithankar, "Transmission Network Protection, theory and practice", Marcel-Dekker, 1998. 8. P. M. Anderson, "Power System Protection", IEEE Press-McGraw Hill, 1999.