
Adopt a Loggerhead sea turtle

Hello, I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Patras, Greece, where I lead the Interactive Technologies Laboratory. I also serve as an expert member of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), contributing to the TC-13 Human-Computer Interaction Group.

My research is related to the design, development and evaluation of information systems with an emphasis in human-computer interaction, usable-security, human cognitive modeling and cultural heritage. We have published research papers in top-ranked scientific venues, which received awards, (co-) supervised Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, and coordinated several EU-funded and National research projects.    I am fluent in German, English and Greek.

Email: fidas AT upatras.gr :: LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fidas
Find me also at
Interactive Technologies Laboratory - ECE Department - University of Patras Google Scholar ACM Digital Library DBLP Scopus University of Patras

Project Coordinator in EU and National Research Projects

National and EU Funded :: #vishing #cybersecurity #artifical intelligence
Sub 1.1. Excellence CRES Call, Greece - Topic: Digital Technologies - CyberSecurity: Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Integrated Information System and Real-Time Services for the Detection of Telephone Fraud (Vishing) (€1,620,000, 2025-2027, Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Hellenic Ministry of Education & NextGenerationEU

National Project AILA :: #phishing #cybersecurity #artifical intelligence #legal advice #information systems
Artificial Intelligence-driven Framework and Legal Advice Tools for Phishing Prevention and Mitigation in Information Systems (€160,000, 2023-2025, Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator ). Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.).

EU Project CREAMS :: #mixedreality #augmentedreality #virtualreality #artstudents #exhibitions
Scaffolding Creativity of Arts Students: Framework, Toolchain, and Educational Material on how to Create their Own Virtual Exhibitions (€382,644, 2022-2025, Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator ). Funding Agency: European Commission. More info: CREAMS Project Website

National Project CogniX :: #electroencephalography #eyetracking #cognition
Electroencephalography and Eye Gaze-driven Framework for Intelligent and Real-Time Human Cognitive Modelling (€194,295, 2022-2024, Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator ). Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.). More info: COGNIX Project Website

EU Project TRUSTID :: #cybersecurity #userauthentication #biometrics
Intelligent and Continuous Online Student Identity Management for Improving Security and Trust in European Higher Education Institutions (€291,310, 2021-2023, Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator ). Funding Agency: European Commission. More info: TRUSTID Project Website

National Project DeAR Museum :: #mixedreality #virtualreality #culturalheritage
Development and production of augmented and virtual reality applications supporting narrative tours at the Tomato Industrial Museum in order to convey a personalized experience to the visitors of an old factory (€300,000, 2021-2023, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Research-Create-Innovate. More info: DeAR Museum Project Website


[Publication - Oct 2024] “The Regulation of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 on Artificial Intelligence and the GDPR”
This study introduces the legal issues arising from the regulation of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 on Artificial Intelligence and the General Data Protection Regulation. It highlights that with technological advancements, the capabilities of dialogue models are continuously improving, allowing them to generate more accurate and complex responses. However, ethical and transparency issues remain regarding how they are used and the impacts they may have on society, especially concerning privacy protection and ensuring objectivity in the processing of personal data.”
Download the article (in Greek)

[Research Prototype - August 2024] “CogniX: Electroencephalography and Eye Gaze-driven Framework for Intelligent and Real-Time Human Cognitive Modelling”- Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.).

We have finalized the research prototype at a TRL-4 of CogniX. This work investigates human cognitive styles and factors, which are essential for creating systems that adapt dynamically to individual users. By leveraging EEG and eye-gaze analysis, this approach enables a deeper understanding of user cognition, offering insights into how individuals process information and make decisions. Modeling these factors allows for the development of personalized user interfaces, facilitating more effective information processing and tailored decision support. These cognitive models further inform the design of user experiences that cater to diverse cognitive styles, a valuable strategy across educational and cultural domains, where adaptable interaction with information systems enhances engagement and personalization.

For more technical information about COGNIX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ehlT7HXVOo
For a demonstration of COGNIX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdNHDSn0gxA
To access the COGNIX open-source code: https://github.com/CogniX-UP

[Best Demo Paper Award - July 2024] We received the ACM UMAP Best Demo Award of 2024 for our paper entitled "CulturAI: Exploring Mixed Reality Art Exhibitions with Large Language Models for Personalized Immersive Experiences": ACM - Digital Library.
Abstract: Mixed Reality (MR) technologies have transformed the way in which we interact and engage with digital content, offering immersive experiences that blend the physical and virtual worlds. Over the past years, there has been increasing interest in employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to improve user experience and trustworthiness in cultural contexts. However, the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into MR applications within the Cultural Heritage (CH) domain is relatively underexplored. In this work, we present an investigation into the integration of LLMs within MR environments, focusing on the context of virtual art exhibitions. We implemented a HoloLens MR application, which enables users to explore artworks while interacting with an LLM through voice. To evaluate the user experience and perceived trustworthiness of individuals engaging with an LLM-based virtual art guide, we adopted a between-subject study design, in which participants were randomly assigned to either the LLM-based version or a control group using conventional interaction methods. The LLM-based version allows users to pose inquiries about the artwork displayed, ranging from details about the creator to information about the artwork’s origin and historical significance. This paper presents the technical aspects of integrating LLMs within MR applications and evaluates the user experience and perceived trustworthiness of this approach in enhancing the exploration of virtual art exhibitions. Results of an initial evaluation provide evidence about the positive aspect of integrating LLMs in MR applications. Findings of this work contribute to the advancement of MR technologies for the development of future interactive personalized art experiences.

[Publication - March 2024] "A Systematic Review and Research Challenges on Phishing Cyberattacks from an Electroencephalography and Gaze-based perspective", co-authored by George Thomopoulos and Dr. Lyras Dimitrios, in Personal Ubiquitous Computing - Springer.

Abstract: Phishing is one of the most important security threats in modern Information Systems causing different levels of damages to end-users and service providers such as financial and reputational losses. State-of-the-art anti-phishing research is highly fragmented and monolithic and does not address the problem from a pervasive computing perspective. In this survey, we aim to contribute to the existing literature by providing a systematic review of existing experimental phishing research that employs EEG and eye-tracking methods within multi- modal and multi-sensory interaction environments. The main research objective of this review is to examine articles that contain results of at least one EEG-based and/or eye-tracking based experimental setup within a phishing context. The database search with specific search criteria yielded 651 articles from which, after the identification and the screening process, 42 articles were examined as per the execution of experiments using EEG or eye-tracking technologies in the context of phishing. This survey is approaching the subject across the following pillars: a) the experimental design practices with an emphasis on the applied EEG and eye- tracking acquisition protocols; b) the artificial intelligence and signal preprocessing techniques that were applied in those experiments and finally c) the phishing attack types examined. We also provide a roadmap for future research in the field by suggesting ideas on how to combine state-of-the-art gaze-based mechanisms with EEG technologies for advancing phishing research. This leads to a discussion on the best practices for designing EEG and Gaze-based frameworks.

[Publication - January 2024] " A Comprehensive Survey of EEG Preprocessing Methods for Cognitive Load Assessment", in IEEE Access journal. We are grateful for the support provided by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.). (Grant Number: 3849 - Eye Gaze driven Framework for Intelligent and Real-Time Human Cognitive Modeling - CogniX).

Abstract: Preprocessing electroencephalographic (EEG) signals during computer-mediated Cognitive Load tasks is crucial in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). This process significantly influences subsequent EEG analysis and the efficacy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models employed in Cognitive Load Assessment. Consequently, it stands as an indispensable procedure for developing dependable systems capable of adapting to users’ cognitive capacities and constraints. We systematically analyzed fifty-seven (57) research papers on computer-mediated Cognitive Load EEG experiments published between 2018 and 2023. The preprocessing methods identified were multiple, controversial, and strongly dependent on the particularities of each experiment and the derived experimental dataset. Our investigation involved the meticulous classification of preprocessing methods based on distinct parameters, namely the degree of user intervention, the noise level, and the subject pool size. Particular attention was paid to semi-automated denoising technology since conventional methods, advanced approaches, and standardized pipelines overwhelm research, but no optimum solution is available yet. This survey is anticipated to provide a valuable contribution to the rising demand for an efficient and fully automated preprocessing approach in EEG-based computerized Cognitive Load experiments.

[Publication - September & October 2023] We announce the publication of the following two research papers which were conducted as part of the CREAMS project: a) Title: From Physical to Virtual Art Exhibitions and Beyond: Survey and some Issues for Consideration for the Metaverse in Journal of Cultural Heritage .
Abstract: This manuscript addresses the increasing importance of Extended Reality (XR) in art exhibitions. It elaborates on the technologies employed, design issues, pertinent aims, and evaluation metrics. The main research questions concern the types of technologies currently used, the primary design considerations, and the ways user experience can be enhanced in accordance with the artists’ and curators' vision, as well as visitors' needs. Moreover, the paper also examines relevant evaluation criteria. The manuscript reviews the types of technologies used for virtual art exhibitions and examines their design characteristics and pertinent issues on interfaces, resources, and affordances. Furthermore, an analysis of the use of virtual humans as a model for increased engagement follows a discussion of a comparison between virtual versus physical exhibitions. Moreover, the parameters that affect user experience are discussed thoroughly, given their pivotal importance in such exhibitions. Finally, the paper concludes with a discussion of the above-mentioned aspects of XR exhibitions with an emphasis on optimizing design for art-related content and offering informed suggestions for future directions. The overall scope of this paper is to examine ways to exploit XR as a creative medium rather than merely replicate physical exhibitions. In this context, the papers’ discussion includes the Metaverse.
b) Title: Comparison of extended reality platforms and tools for viewing and exhibiting art." , in Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
Abstract: The rapid evolution of mobile smart devices and the development of inexpensive immersive devices (VR googles, google box etc.) in the past two decades have brought opportunities in the field of curating, storing, and viewing art. These new ways of experiencing art with the help of the latest technologies extend from physical to the virtual space, and any combination of the two. This paper presents a comparative study of selected existing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) Platforms and Tools for viewing and exhibiting Art. This study explores the key features of each platform, whether the platform is open source or a commercial product, the enabling of interactivity between the users within each platform, and finally the strong and weak points of each. To conclude, this study explores how such platforms and tools can transform the field of curating and exhibiting art.

[Publications - July 2023] We will be participating at the 2nd International Conference of the ACM Greek SIGCHI Chapter. (CHIGREECE 2023) with three paper publications. The titles of our papers are: 1. Investigating Applicability Heuristics of Answer Set Programming in Game Development: Use Cases and Empirical Study. 2. Use of XR technologies for enhancing visitors' experience at industrial museums. 3. Methodologies and Ethical Considerations in Phishing Research: A Comprehensive Review.

[New Project & Research Funding - June 2023] We are excited for the approval of our research proposal, "AILA: Artificial Intelligence-driven Framework and Legal Advice Tools for Phishing Prevention and Mitigation in Information Systems", which has been granted funding of €160,000.00 from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) .

Info: This project is a collaboration with the Law School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. This project will explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and legal advice tools to prevent and mitigate phishing attacks in information systems. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive framework that can detect and respond to phishing attacks more effectively, ultimately improving the security and reliability of information systems. As part of this project, we will be recruiting two PhD students to join our team. The successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research, contribute to the development of a new cybersecurity framework, and collaborate with experts in artificial intelligence, law, and information systems.

[Publications - May 2023] We announce that our lab will be participating at the 19th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2023) with three paper publications. The titles of our papers are:
1. Extending User Interaction with Mixed Reality through a Smartphone-based Controller
2. Exploring the Potential of Metaverse Apps for Real-World Applications: A Case Study with CALEND_AR
3. Influences of Cognitive Styles on EEG-based Activity: An Empirical Study on Visual Content Comprehension (Poster)

[Publication - May & July 2023] We announce the publication of the following two research papers which were conducted as part of the TRUST-ID project. It is a culmination of our efforts in the project, which has now successfully concluded.
a) Title: "Ensuring Academic Integrity and Trust in Online Learning Environments: A Longitudinal Study of an AI-Centered Proctoring System in Tertiary Educational Institutions", in Education Sciences. To learn more, please check out the full article https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13060566.

Abstract: The credibility of online examinations in Higher Education is hardened by numerous factors and use-case scenarios. This paper reports on a longitudinal study, that spanned over eighteen months, in which various stakeholders from three European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) participated, aiming to identify core threat scenarios experienced during online examinations, and to, accordingly, propose threat models, data metrics and countermeasure features that HEI learning management systems can embrace to address the identified threat scenarios. We also report on a feasibility study of an open-source intelligent and continuous student identity management system, namely TRUSTID, which implements the identified data metrics and countermeasures. A user evaluation with HEI students (n = 133) revealed that the TRUSTID system is resilient and effective against impersonation attacks, based on intelligent face and voice identification mechanisms, and scored well in usability and user experience. Aspects concerning the preservation of privacy in storing, retrieving and processing sensitive personal data are also discussed.

b) Title: "Continuous user identification in distance learning: a recent technology perspective.", in Smart Learning Environments. To learn more, please check out the full article https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-023-00255-9.

Abstract: The worldwide shift to distance learning at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) during the COVID-19 global pandemic has raised several concerns about the credibility of online academic activities, especially regarding student identity management. Traditional online frameworks cannot guarantee the authenticity of the enrolled student, which requires instructors to manually verify their identities, a time-consuming task that compromises academic quality. This article presents a comprehensive review of existing efforts around continuous user identification, focusing on intelligent proctoring systems and automatic identification methods, as well as their applicability in this domain. We conclude that there is a clear need for continuous user identification technology by HEIs, but existing systems lack agile system integration models that combine many inputs, such as face, voice and behavioural data in a practical manner, and encounter numerous barriers related to data protection during implementation.

[Workshop Chair - April 2023] We announce the 1st International Workshop on Accessibility and Multimodal Interaction Design Approaches in Museums for People with Impairments, which is set to take place alongside the MobileHCI 2023 conference.

Workshop Abstract: This workshop focuses on methods, tools, and techniques to design and develop mobile museum applications for people with impairments. More specifically, the research that will be presented will relate to technological solutions that support museum visitors with visual, motor, dexterity, hearing, and cognitive impairments. The rationale for the workshop is premised on the significance of providing meaningful and engaging museum experiences to visitors through mobile applications with customized interfaces adapted to the characteristics of various groups of people with special needs. Furthermore, the use of Mixed Reality, i.e., the combination of real and virtual worlds, will be addressed in connection with the quest to foster access and inclusion with regard to museums, and empowerment of people with impairments. The workshop's primary goal is to bring together leading experts to discuss the field's challenges and propose solutions concerning methods, tools, and techniques in HCI, present their research on user requirements, and system design to advance knowledge with the view to optimizing uses of emerging technologies for enhancing cultural inclusion.

We are delighted to have Alan Dix as one of our invited speakers, who will share valuable insights and perspectives. We invite submissions from the research community to contribute their innovative ideas, empirical studies, and design approaches in this important domain. This workshop promises to be an engaging platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and the advancement of accessible and multimodal museum interaction design. [More info]

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  • Greek Industrial Property Organisation (OVI): Methods and tools to support and monitor in real time visitors of the World Wide Web (N. Patent No. 1004805.OVI, INT. CL G06F 17/60, g06f 15/163)

Honors and Awards

  • ACM UMAP 2024 Best Demo Award of 2024 (July 2024)
    Research paper entitled "CulturAI: Exploring Mixed Reality Art Exhibitions with Large Language Models for Personalized Immersive Experiences"
  • UMUAI James Chen Award for Best Paper of 2019 (November 2020)
    Research paper entitled "A Cognition-centered Personalization Framework for Cultural Heritage Content"
  • Seal of Excellence - Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions call H2020-MSCA-IF-2016
    For a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process, namely CogniPass - Cognition - based Personalised Authentication SchemeS [Seal of Excellence]
  • Best Paper Nomination Award and Honourable Mention at UMAP 2014 Conference (July 2014)
    Research paper entitled "A Personalisation Method based on Human Factors for Improving Usability of User Authentication Tasks"
  • Best Paper Award at SouthCHI 2013 Conference (July 2013)
    Research paper entitled "Towards the Personalization of CAPTCHA Mechanisms based on Individual Differences in Cognitive Processing"


Journals (Selected Publications). Please see a full list of publications in Google Scholar
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier
From Physical to Virtual Art Exhibitions and Beyond: Survey and some Issues for Consideration for the Metaverse
S. Sylaiou, P. Dafiotis, D. Koukopoulos, C. Koukoulis, R. Vital, A. Antoniou, and C. Fidas
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2024 - Impact Factor: 3.5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2023.11.002
Springer - Personal Ubiquitous Computing
A Systematic Review and Research Challenges on Phishing Cyberattacks from an Electroencephalography and Gaze-based perspective
Thomopoulos, G., Lyras, D., Fidas, C.
Personal Ubiquitous Computing, 2024 -
Springer Open - Smart Learning Environments
Continuous user identification in distance learning: a recent technology perspective.
Portugal, D., Faria, J.N., Belk, M. et al.
Smart Learning Environments, 2023 - Impact Factor: 4.8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-023-00255-9
A Review of EEG-Based User Authentication: Trends and Future Research Directions
Fidas, C., Lyras, D.
IEEE ACCESS, 2023 - Impact Factor: 3.476
DOI: https://10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3253026
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare
Security and Usability of a Personalized User Authentication Paradigm: Insights from a Longitudinal Study with Three Healthcare Organizations
Taylor & Francis IJHCI
Supporting People with Visual Impairments in Cultural Heritage: Survey and Future Research Directions
Sylaiou, S., Fidas, C.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2022, Taylor & Francis, 2022 - Impact Factor: 4.920
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2098930
Elsevier IJHCS
From hot-spots towards experience-spots: Leveraging on users' sociocultural experiences to enhance security in cued-recall graphical authentication
Constantinides, A., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Pietron, A., Han, T., Pitsillides, A.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 149, Elsevier, 2021 - Impact Factor: 3.16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2021.102602
Springer UMUAI
A cognition-centered personalization framework for cultural heritage content
Raptis, G., Fidas, C., Katsini, C., Avouris, N.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). The Journal of Personalization Research, 29(1), 9-65, Springer, 2019 - Impact Factor: 4.68, James Chen Award for best paper of 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-019-09226-7
Do game designers' decisions related to visual activities affect knowledge acquisition in cultural heritage games? An evaluation from a human cognitive processing perspective
Raptis, G., Fidas, C., Avouris, N.
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 12, 1, Article 4, ACM Press, 2019 - Impact Factor: 1.72
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3292057
A human-cognitive perspective of users' password choices in recognition-based graphical authentication
Katsini, C., Fidas, C., Belk, M., Samaras, G., Avouris, N.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(19), 1800-1812, 2019, Taylor & Francis, 2019 - Impact Factor: 1.71
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2019.1574057
Elsevier IJHCS
Effects of mixed-reality on players' behaviour and immersion in a cultural tourism game: A cognitive processing perspective
Raptis, G., Fidas, C.A., Avouris, N.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69-79, Elsevier, 2018 - Impact Factor: 3.16
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2018.02.003
Elsevier CHB
The interplay between humans, technology and user authentication: a cognitive processing perspective
Belk M., Fidas C., Germanakos P., Samaras G.
Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 184-200, Elsevier, 2017 - Impact Factor: 5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2017.06.042
Elsevier IJHCS
Do human cognitive differences in information processing affect preference and performance of captcha?
Belk M., Fidas C., Germanakos P., Samaras G.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 84, 1-18, Elsevier, 2015 - Impact Factor: 3.16
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhcs.2015.07.002
Oxford Uni. Press
A personalized user authentication approach based on individual differences in information processing
Belk M., Fidas C., Germanakos P., Samaras G.
Interacting with Computers, 27(6), Oxford University Press, 2015 - Impact Factor: 1.03
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwu033
Elsevier Comp. Ed.
Heterogeneity of learning material in synchronous computer-supported collaborative modelling
Fidas, C.A., Komis, V., Tzanavaris, S., Avouris, N.
Computers and Education, 44(2), 135-154, Elsevier, 2005 - Impact Factor: 5.29
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2004.02.001
Education and Information Technologies
Computer-supported collaborative concept mapping: Study of synchronous peer interaction
Komis, V., Avouris, N., Fidas, C.
Education and Information Technologies, 7(2), 169-188, Springer, 2002
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1023/A%3A1020309927987


Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator

  • National and EU Funded Sub 1.1. Excellence CRES Call, Greece - Topic: Digital Technologies - CyberSecurity: Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Integrated Information System and Real-Time Services for the Detection of Telephone Fraud (Vishing) (€1,620,000, 2025-2027,Project Coordinator & Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Hellenic Ministry of Education & NextGenerationEU
  • National Research Project AILA: Artificial Intelligence-driven Framework and Legal Advice Tools for Phishing Prevention and Mitigation in Information Systems (€160,000, 2023-2025, Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.)
  • EU Project CREAMS: Scaffolding Creativity of Arts Students: Framework, Toolchain, and Educational Material on how to Create their Own Virtual Exhibitions (€382,644, 2022-2025, Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: European Commission, Greek State Scholarships Foundation
  • National Research Project CogniX: Electroencephalography and Eye Gaze-driven Framework for Intelligent and Real-Time Human Cognitive Modelling (€194,295, 2022-2024, Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.)
  • EU Research Project TRUSTID: Intelligent and Continuous Online Student Identity Management for Improving Security and Trust in European Higher Education Institutions (€291,310, 2021-2023, Project Coordinator, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: European Commission, Greek State Scholarships Foundation. Call: Strategic Partnerships in Response to the COVID-19 Situation: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness in the field of Higher Education (KA226)
  • National Research Project DeAR Museum: Development and production of augmented and virtual reality applications supporting narrative tours at the Tomato Industrial Museum (€300,000, 2021-2023, Principal Investigator). Funding Agency: Research-Create-Innovate

Work Package Leader and Researcher, and Project Manager

  • H2020-SERUMS: Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems (2019-2021, WP5 - User Authentication and Trust) - http://serums-smartpatient.com/
  • FP7-CR-PLAY: Capture Reconstruct Play (2013-2016, WP5 Leader - Formative and Summative Evaluation) - http://www.cr-play.eu
  • FP7-SERIES: Seismic Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies (2009-2013, Lead of Information Systems Architecture Design and Implementation) - http://www.series.upatras.gr
  • FP6-QALIBRA: Quality of life-integrated benefit and risk analysis web-based tool for assessing food safety and health benefits (2006-2010, Lead of Evaluation) - http://www.qalibra.eu
  • FP6 e-Ten-COMMODE: Collaborative modeling environment (2005-2006, Lead of Evaluation and Pilot Studies)
  • IST-MODELLINGSPACE: Space of ideas expression modeling and collaboration (2001-2004, Software Engineer)


CogniX: Electroencephalography and Eye Gaze-driven Framework for Intelligent and Real-Time Human Cognitive Modelling

Funding Agency: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.).

In this work, we have designed and developed CogniX, an extensible tool for human cognitive modeling. This work investigates human cognitive styles and factors, which are essential for creating systems that adapt dynamically to individual users. By leveraging EEG and eye-gaze analysis, this approach enables a deeper understanding of user cognition, offering insights into how individuals process information and make decisions. Modeling these factors allows for the development of personalized user interfaces, facilitating more effective information processing and tailored decision support. These cognitive models further inform the design of user experiences that cater to diverse cognitive styles, a valuable strategy across educational and cultural domains, where adaptable interaction with information systems enhances engagement and personalization.

For more technical information about COGNIX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ehlT7HXVOo
For a demonstration of COGNIX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdNHDSn0gxA
To access the COGNIX open-source code: https://github.com/CogniX-UP

CogniKit: An Extensible Tool for Human Cognitive Modeling based on Eye Gaze Analysis

In this work, we have designed and developed CogniKit, an extensible tool for human cognitive modeling. It is based on the analysis, classification and visualization of eye tracking data such as gaze points, fixation count and duration, saccades, gaze transition and stationary entropy, heat maps, areas of interests, etc. These are further processed, analyzed and classified for detecting higher level human cognitive factors such as cognitive processing styles and abilities. CogniKit comprises of two main components: i) a software application that collects and processes low- and high-level eye gaze data metrics in real-time; and ii) an extensible interactive workbench for storing, analyzing, classifying and visualizing the collected eye gaze data.

Relevant paper: ACM WI 2019, ACM IUI 2020

HoloPass: Picture Passwords in Mixed Reality

Mixed reality technologies embrace hand gesture-based interaction modalities, which can be leveraged by picture passwords, as they require users to draw secret gestures on a background image. In this work, we have designed and developed HoloPass, a novel mixed reality application that utilizes the Microsoft HoloLens device that allows users to directly interact with picture-based holograms in order to perform user authentication tasks. The current prototype was developed in Unity 3D, using C# and Microsoft's Mixed Reality Toolkit for HoloLens, and follows implementation guidelines of Microsoft Windows 10 Picture Gesture Authentication in which users draw three secret gestures on a background image that acts as a cue.

Relevant papers: ACM CHI 2019, INTERACT 2019

Security through Play: A Playful Interaction Design in Mixed Reality for Improving Graphical Password Security

This work aims at scaffolding end-users in improving the security of graphical passwords through a playful interaction design in mixed reality. For doing so, we elaborated on a playful interaction de-sign framework and developed, based on it, an experimental mixed reality (MR) application that deployed multi-modal and playful user interaction experiences. A user evaluation woth 30 participants revealed that introducing playful characteristics in the design of MR graphical passwords had a catalyst effect on the security of user generated passwords and simultaneously affected significantly end-users' perceptions and understanding related to security semantics of graphical passwords.


Associate Professor (2023-) at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras

Assistant Professor (2021-2023) at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras

  • Ubiquitous Computing (M.Sc.)
  • Operating Systems
  • Structural Programming (B.Sc.)
  • Internet Technologies (B.Sc.)
  • Object-Oriented Programming (B.Sc.)

Assistant Professor (2016-2020), Tenure-track Lecturer (2013-2016) at the Department of Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, University of Patras

  • New Interactive Media (M.Sc.)
  • Human-Computer Interaction (B.Sc.)
  • Structural Programming (B.Sc.)
  • Visual Programming (B.Sc.)
  • Pervasive Computing and Cultural Heritage (B.Sc.)

Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus (2011-2013)

  • Human-Computer Interaction (B.Sc.)
  • Programming Priniciples for Engineers (B.Sc.)
  • Operating Systems (B.Sc.)
  • Introduction to Computer Science (B.Sc.)

Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Patras, University of Ioannina, Technical Institute of Patras (2004-2011)

Academic Service


Prospective Students

I am always happy to discuss with prospective students new research endeavors in the areas of Information Systems and Culture, Modelling Human Cognition in Interactive Systems, and Usable Security. If you are interested to discuss your research idea please don't hesitate to contact me at fidas AT upatras.gr

Suggested Topics for Ph.D.
  • AR and VR Effects on Human Cognition within Cultural Heritage Informatics
  • Investigating the Effects of Human Emotions in User Authentication
  • Adaptable User Authentication in Ubiquitous Computation Realms
Ph.D. Students (co-supervised)
  • Argyris Constantinides (with University of Cyprus): Personalized Cued-recall Graphical User Authentication based on Image Content Familiarity - Successfully defended April 2022
  • Christina Katsini: Methods and Techniques for Usable and Secure User Authentication in Natural User Interaction
  • George Raptis: A Personalized Cultural Heritage Framework based on Human Cognitive Processing - Successfully defended July 2020
  • Marios Belk: Adaptive Usable Security: Personalising User Authentication and CAPTCHA based on Individual Differences in Cognitive Processing - Successfully defended December 2015
M.Sc. Students (supervised)
  • Despoina Strataki: The Virtual Museum and its Didactic Use in Primary Education - 2020
  • Artemis Diamanti: Smart Cities and Culture: Current and Future Trends Prospects - 2018

Scientific Community Service

Review Service in International Journals and Conferences

  • ACM Transactions on the Web
  • IEEE Transactions on Games
  • IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
  • IEEE Internet Computing Magazine
  • Behaviour & Information Technology, Elsevier
  • Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier
  • Computers & Security , Elsevier
  • Energy Research & Social Science, Elsevier
  • International Journal of Human - Computer Studies, Elsevier
  • Information Technology & People, Emerald
  • Computers and Education, Elsevier
  • Interacting with Computers, Oxford
  • IBM Journal of Research and Development
  • ACM CHI - SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems